“Getting inspiration is like finding the box lids, each picturing a particular scene from a particular viewpoint….” – John Powls
John says, ‘I have often described my process of writing as beginning by collecting phrases and words that are like highly coloured, irregularly shaped and differently sized pieces of many jigsaws – all in one box.
Getting inspiration is like finding the box lids, each picturing a particular scene from a particular viewpoint.
Then it’s about the craft and graft of locating and assembling just the right pieces, just the right phrases and words, that fit together in the one possible way that completes each picture and poem.
Often, during this process, it becomes possible to see where these then fit into a theme or collection – if they do at that point.
Though my word pictures most often show landscape the sources of inspiration are many and the pictures varied.
I find that inspiration can’t be forced but you can certainly put yourself in the way of it. I find the best ways for me to do that are by walking the landscape, experiencing the creativity of others and being in the company of the right people.
These ‘INSPIRATIONS’ pages reflect something of the breadth and depth of my work in poetry over decades and up to the present day.’